Thursday, May 14, 2009

My Dad - Zeb

Dad on his Wii Fit - He spent hours on it and to think I almost didn't take ours inside to show to him because I didn't think he or Mom would like it.

Mom & Dad's wedding picture

Dad with my younger brother, Tim and me on Scout, one of our first ponies (we had dozens)

Dad, Tim and my older brother Mike on the bob sled at the "old" farm. Can't remember the ponies' names.

Dad pulling ponies somewhere in the 1960's. One of the ponies would have to be Sparky, the other could be Penny, Thunder, Mike, or any of the other ponies that he pulled with Sparky. Dad had dozens of trophies for pulling ponies but his favorite was always his Sportsmanship trophy.

Dad holding my brother Mike and me.

Mom & Dad