Monday, October 26, 2009

Eagle Hammock, Kings Bay Naval Sub Base, GA

Exit 1, I-95, Georgia - Military Campground

Mom's Cats

This is one of the 8-10 black cats. Pretty hard to tell one from another.

It is feeding time and the herd is starting to gather up!

This cute little one is one of the youngest of this year's litters.

We call this one Itsy Bitsy - Itsy may be the next one spayed.

This one is called Tiger Boy since Mom already have a Tiger.

This is Ringo because he has a white ring around his tail.

I named this one Smudge because he has a little black smudge on his little pink nose.

This is Stripe because she has a little one stripe up her nose.

These are the chosen three garage cats. The largest is Sonny, the one on the upper shelf is Tiger and the little one below is Patches.

A shot of the herd in the old milk barn. Never did get a good photo of the cats in the "new" barn.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Driving Montana and North Dakota

A huge field full of round hay bales - not a mountain anywhere in sight!

What kind of wildlife are these?

The last of the "mountains" in the background.

The sunflowers have already passed their peak blooming season but you get the idea of the size of the fields out here.

RAFT Denali

Lake Moraine - Takkawkaw Falls

Banff Natl Park - Johnston Canyon