Sonny - King of the Garage Cats

Tiger - Queen of the Garage Cats

Patches - She was spayed when she was still young and got garage privileges to recover and never moved out.

Smudge is tame and is the ambassador between the garage cats and the barn cats. Smudge makes sure no new strays want to hang around. Neutered July 2010.

Jack - as in One-eyed-Jack. He lost his eye when he was a kitten. Neutered July 2010

Momma - the first truly feral cat that we managed to catch and have spayed. Spayed July 2010

DIED Summer 2011 - TP for Tan Paw. The sole survivor of Momma's last litter of 5. Spayed August 2010

DISAPPEARED APRIL 2012 - Rascal - Born September 2010. One of three surviving "Tippys" of Smokie's last litter of five. He has the biggest white tip on his tail. Neutered April 2011

Bitsy - Born Sept 2010. Another of the Tippys. She has a white tip on her tail and a 'bit' of white under her chin. Spayed April 2011

Mitsy - Born Sept 2010. The third of the Tippy's. She has a white tip that is smaller than Rascal's but no bit of white like Bitsy's. Spayed April 2011.

Big Blackie. Neutered back in August 2010. Took him a while to calm back down and have been seeing him more and more this summer.

Smokie - had her last litter (the Tippy's) in Sept 2010. She was the last to be spayed. Finally caught her with drop trap in Sept 2011.
We also had three others spayed/neutered over the last two summers who are no longer with us - Stripe, Smidge who both looked like Smudge. Only one of TP's five litter mates, Spooky, lived long enough to be neutered but died shortly afterwards.